
Journal has electronic backup and preservation of access to the content of its journals via PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN)

In pursuance of the Federal Law No. 278-FZ dated July 03, 2016 “On Amending the Federal Law No. 77-FZ dated December 29, 1994 “On Obligatory Copy of Documents”, all issues of the printed edition of the journal “Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes) ” in electronic format should be processed, stored and recorded in the electronic archives of the following Russian storage systems:

  1. Russian State Library;
  2. Information Telegraph Agency of Russia (ITAR-TASS), the Russian Book Chamber branch.


The law stipulates that document producers, within seven days from the date of publication of the first batch of print editions, are obliged to transfer, using information and telecommunication networks, an obligatory copy of the printed publication in electronic format, certified by the qualified electronic signature of the document producer, to the Russian State Library [Federal Law No. 278, Article 1, Paragraph 4.в] and the Russian Book Chamber.