
  • Aleksander A. Krasnopeorov Udmurtian Institute of History, Language and Literature. Lomonosov Str. 4, Izhevsk, 426004, Russian Federation


archaeology, Kama region, Early Iron Age, Pyany Bor culture, chronology, knife


The paper continues the study of attributes referred to in publications, which according to researchers suggest the early dating of individual monuments. The discovered ‘knives with a curved back’ were automatically attributed to the Ananyino period, and were considered an attribute of the initial stage for Pyany Bor monuments. This opinion is based on outdated assumption of 70 years ago. An overview of the fi ndings demonstrates that this type of knives are regularly discovered at the monuments of the 2nd-1st centuries BC, and rather frequently at the sites of the 1st-2nd centuries AD. Identifi cation of an earlier date of the complexes on the
basis of discovered knives only is illegitimate.


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How to Cite

Krasnopeorov, A. A. (2020). THE EARLY DATE OF PYANY BOR MONUMENTS. Part 3: ‘KNIVES WITH A CURVED BACK’. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (2), 324–328. Retrieved from



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