To the History of the Ural Archaeology in the Post-War Years: letters by I.A. Talitskaya to O.N. Bader


  • Sergey V. Kuzminykh Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dmitry Ulyanov St., 19, Moscow, 117036, Russian Federation
  • Olga M. Melnikova Udmurt State University. Universitetskaya st. 1, Izhevsk, 426034, Udmurt Republic, Russian Federation



history of archaeology, O.N. Bader, I.A. Talitskaya, M.V. Talitsky, A.V. Zbruyeva, M.V. Voyevodsky, correspondence, archaeology of the Kama region


In 2023 will be 120 years from the birthday of a well-known Soviet archaeologist O.N. Bader. The scientist had to move to the Ural region because of the dramatic circumstances of the Great Patriotic War, from the second half of the 1940s till 1954 he worked at the Perm (Molotov) State University, where he founded the scientific archaeological school. O.N. Bader was in active correspondence with many scientists, museum workers, university professors, students and local historians. One of his Moscow correspondents was I.A. Talitskaya, a well-known systematizer of the archaeological sites of the Kama region. The extant correspondence covers the period from 1947 to 1950. It allows us to see the direction and content of archaeological studies in the Kama region. The letters reflect the process of preparation for publication M.V. Talitsky’s and P.A. Dmitriyev’s dissertations, who died in the war; I.A. Talitskaya’s work «Materials for the archaeological map of the Kama river basin». They show the everyday life of scientists in the post-war years, trace the lines of scientific and personal communications between the archaeologists. The letters are a part of large epistolary heritage – they are addressed to O.N. Bader who worked in Perm in the 1940s-1950s. The documents are kept in the Perm University History Museum and handed over to the authors for study.


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How to Cite

Kuzminykh , S. V., & Melnikova , O. M. (2023). To the History of the Ural Archaeology in the Post-War Years: letters by I.A. Talitskaya to O.N. Bader. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (3), 343–365.


