
  • Natalia B Akhmetgaleeva
  • Alexander E Dudin


archaeology, Upper Paleolithic, Russian plain, site Kostenki 11, art artifacts, worked bones, structures of bones and soil


The results of the study the art artifacts from Worked bone collection of the Kostenki 11 site, Layer 1a (2014-2016, excavations of I. V. Fedyunin and A. E. Dudin) are represented in the paper. All art artifacts analyzed by the authors were found within the largest structure of bones and soil. The technological and preliminary functional analysis of ornamental bevelled objects, bead of the ivory and two stylized subjects of the long tubular bones have been fulfilled. All the studied artifacts demonstrate various use-wear traces. The authors reveal more variations of technological methods in the production of semantic items, than in the manufacture of tools and hunting implement. The study of art artifacts approve the author’s conclusion concerning this bone industry to be classified into the end of middle period of the Upper Paleolithic in the cultural and chronological terms.


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How to Cite

Akhmetgaleeva, N. B., & Dudin, A. E. (2017). NEW ART ARTIFACTS FROM THE UPPER PALAEOLITHIC SITE OF KOSTENKI 11, LAYER 1A: THE TECHNOLOGICAL AND PRELIMINARY FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (2), 26–45. Retrieved from



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