Elements of Women's Costume from Excavations in St. Petersburg


  • Anastasia D. Muratbakieva G. S. Lebedev Laboratory of Archaeology, Historical Sociology and Cultural Heritage (Saint Petersburg State University). Smolny, 1/3 str., 9th entrance, Saint Petersburg, 191060, Russian Federation




archaeology of St. Petersburg, women's costume, leather shoes, urban archaeology, Naugolnye Chambers, glass beads, jewelry manufacturing


The subject of women's costume has been of interest to historians, archaeologists and art historians for a long time. The costume of the nobility has been well studied thanks to museum materials, but the costume of the urban population has not been studied enough. The article deals with costume elements found during urban excavations in St. Petersburg in the “wet” layer, where organic objects are well preserved: leather shoes, fragments of fabric, bone combs. Finds from excavations on the spit of Vasilyevsky Island (excavation director A.D. Grach), the Naugolnye Chambers of the Menshikov Palace, Koltovskaya Sloboda, Summer Garden, Blagoveshchenskoye Cemetery on Vasilievsky Island, Tulskaya Street and Bolshaya Posadskaya Street were involved. The objects found analogies illustrating the process of "lowering" of fashion trends from high strata of the population to lower strata.


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How to Cite

Muratbakieva , A. D. (2024). Elements of Women’s Costume from Excavations in St. Petersburg. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (1), 116–126. https://doi.org/10.24852/2587-6112.2024.1.116.126



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