Contribution of Igor Borisovich Vasiliev in the Study of the Bronze Age of the Volga Region


  • Oleg D. Mochalov Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education, M. Gorky, 65/67 str., Samara, 443099, Russian Federation



archaeology, Bronze Age, Volga region, I.B. Vasiliev, new cultures, interdisciplinary approach, systematic approach, organizational activities


The article is devoted to the contribution of Igor Borisovich Vasiliev in the study of the Bronze Age of the Volga region. In 2024, the Samara State Pedagogical University will celebrate 50 years of archaeological activity and 20 years of memory of an outstanding scientist. I.B. Vasiliev made a significant contribution to the research of the Bronze Age in the Volga region. He substantiated the discovery of new cultures (Volsk-Lbschi, Potapovka), discovered bright sites of the Yamnaya, Poltavka, Srubnaya cultures and ones of the final Bronze Age. The researcher was at the origins of the creation of the archaeological school of the Samara State Pedagogical University and the use of interdisciplinary methods in the archaeology of the Volga region. The researcher has carried out a lot of scientific and organizational work: holding expeditions, conferences, creating a laboratory, a museum, an institute of history and archeology of the Volga region. Scientific conclusions of I.B. Vasiliev are relevant not only for the Volga region and the Urals, but also for other regions.


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How to Cite

Mochalov , O. D. (2024). Contribution of Igor Borisovich Vasiliev in the Study of the Bronze Age of the Volga Region . Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (1), 188–201.



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