Chronological Features of the Burial Rite of the Averiny II Burial Ground


  • Kristina V. Moryakhina Perm State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University. Kakhovskaya, str., 5, Perm, 614109, Russian Federation



archaeology, Middle Ages, Perm Cis-Urals, Averiny II burial ground, Lomovatka culture, burial rite, chronology


Averiny II burial ground is located on the right bank of the Kama River 900 m northwest of the village of Averiny in the Afanasyevo district, Kirov Oblast. Excavations at the site were conducted in 1975–1976 by
R.D. Goldina, in 1978 – by V.A. Kananin, in 1982–1984 – by E.M. Chernykh. A total of 440 burials were studied. The site is dated to the VI–XII centuries. The chronology of the burial ground was worked out by
R.D. Goldina and V.A. Kananin. The researchers described only the inventory characteristic of different centuries. They did not consider changes occurring over time in the burial rite itself. The paper deals with this very aspect. The burial rite of the population that left the Averiny II burial ground did not undergo serious changes for six centuries. Large pits were often made on the site at different periods. Intra-grave structures were built starting from the VIII century. The cult of fire played an increasingly important role over time. This can be seen in the increasing number of burials with cremation and with coals in the grave. Armament and horse harness began to be placed in burials from the VII century, from the VIII century – tools. The latter reflects the importance of the economy (agriculture, fishing and woodworking) for the population. The largest number of burials occurred in the IX century. At the same time, the burial rite at the Averiny II burial ground in this time does not correspond to the traditional idea of the Urya stage of the Lomovatka culture (end of the VIII–IX centuries). The burial ground kept those traditions that were characteristic for the earlier period.


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How to Cite

Moryakhina , K. V. (2024). Chronological Features of the Burial Rite of the Averiny II Burial Ground. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (1), 305–317.



Research and Publication