
  • Murat D. Kalmenov West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology University. N. Nazarbayev Ave., 208, Uralsk, 090000, Republic Of Kazakhstan;
  • Aliya E. Bizhanova West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology University. N. Nazarbayev Ave., 208, Uralsk, 090000, Republic Of Kazakhstan
  • Samat B. Kurmanalin West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology University. N. Nazarbayev Ave., 208, Uralsk, 090000, Republic Of Kazakhstan




archaeological sites, Middle Ages, Ustyurt plateau, caravanserai


The paper deals with the caravanserais located on the Ustyurt plateau. During the period of the state of Ulug Ulus (Ulus of Jochi, Golden Horde), the priority caravan route became the road across the Ustyurt plateau, equipped with grandiose, well-fortifi ed complex of buildings where travelers (caravaners) could have a rest – caravanserais. Trade caravans from Urgench reached the city of Saraichyq, situated on the Jajyk River (Ural), and then went on to the capital of the Golden Horde, the city of Sarai-Batu on the Volga. Fortifi ed “hotels” – caravanserais – were tied to wells or artifi cially created storage facilities – water reservoirs for seasonal precipitation, located at a distance of one or two days of the caravan's journey. The main building, in the form of a small fortress, served as a hotel for merchants and wealthy travelers. There were small rooms, a kitchen, a dining room, possibly a bathhouse, as well as warehouses for keeping goods. Caravanserais also served as postal stations where messengers could change horses. A small military detachment stationed nearby was called upon to guard and control the trade route in this area. Near the caravanserais, small settlements arose for the personnel serving the caravans – drovers, guards and migrating population. To date, 10 caravanserais are identifi ed on the Ustyurt plateau – Uchkuduk, Azhikeldi, Beleuli, Kosbulak and Churuk, Kusshy ata, Koptam (Beldeuli) and near the Koskuduk spring (Esetbulak), also in the direction of the Caspian Sea are Uali and Manata. The caravanserais are stretched in a straight line from southeast to northwest. The distance between the extreme examined sites is about 270 km.


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How to Cite

Kalmenov , M. D., Bizhanova , A. E., & Kurmanalin , S. B. (2024). HISTORICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL REVIEW OF CARAVANSERAIS ON THE USTYURT PLATEAU. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (2), 340–363. https://doi.org/10.24852/2587-6112.2024.2.340.363



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