
  • Dilnavoz J. Rakhmatova Museum “In Memory of Victims of Repression” at Karshi State University (Karshi, Uzbekistan)



archaeological excavations, Central Asia, Nakhshab, Kebek Khan, Karshi fortress, Tarmashirin, Amir Temur, Odina Mosque, decorative architecture, colored mosaic, glazed maiolica


The article presents the information about the management activities of the Mongol khans Kebek Khan and Tarmashirin on the development of the city of Karshi, as well as about the historical monument built by Kebek Khan in the center of the Karshi fortress. Today this building is known to local population as the Odina Mosque. According to historical sources, at the beginning of the XIV century, this building was originally a palace built by one of the Mongol khans, Kebek Khan; later, during the reign of Amir Temur, it was rebuilt and used as the Odina Mosque, and in later periods it was used for many other purposes. The article also informs that the topography of the Karshi fortress was studied on the basis of historical sources and tiles, found during restoration works in this area, but due to the lack of large-scale archaeological research, it was not possible to come to a final conclusion.


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How to Cite

Rakhmatova , D. J. (2024). REMAINS OF THE MONGOL KEBEK KHAN’S PALACE. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (2), 399–404.



Research and Publication