Male Skeleton from Burial No. 7 of the Mordva-Moksha Bednodemyanovsk Burial Ground of the XIII–XIV Centuries


  • Olga A. Kalmina Penza State University. Krasnaya street, Penza 440026 Russian Federation
  • Oleg V. Kalmin Penza State University. Krasnaya street, Penza 440026 Russian Federation
  • Dmitry S. Ikonnikov Penza State University. Krasnaya street, Penza 440026 Russian Federation
  • Oleg O. Kalmin Penza State University. Krasnaya street, Penza 440026 Russian Federation
  • Olga O. Ilyunina Penza State University. Krasnaya street, Penza 440026 Russian Federation



archaeology, Upper Moksha river, Mordva-Moksha, Golden Horde, Bednodemyanovsk burial ground, paleopathology, craniometry, osteometry, indicators of mechanical stress


The article presents the complex characteristic of the skeleton from burial № 7 of the Bednodemyanovsk burial ground of the Mordva-Moksha. The archeological site is dated to the Golden Horde period (XIII–XIV centuries) and is located in Upper Moksha river. The skeleton belonged to the man aged 35–55 years. The aim of the study was to make the most complete reconstruction of the morphological specifics of the individual and his life activity. For this purpose, the bones were carefully studied visually and metrically. Cone beam computed tomography was performed on a VATECH PAX 1 3D device with Ez3D-i64 software. The approximate body length of the individual was determined (about 169.0 cm). The longitudinal measurements of the long tubular bones were the base for it. The skeleton showed multiple traces of pathological changes and indicators of mechanical stress. The individual (apparently in infancy) had the foot trauma. The fracture of the right clavicle in the middle third of the body was in adulthood. A specific characteristic of the individual was spastic contraction of the facial muscles of the lower right side of the face, possibly as a result of facial nerve injury. It was habitual for the individual to move with tensely flexed legs. This may have been related to labor activity or may have been the result of pathology. The characteristic structure of the sternum suggests that the individual was engaged in heavy lifting using a strap across the chest. The arms were slightly bent at the forearms to hold the weight. The hands were tensely flexed at the same time. The study of the skeleton from burial № 7 will let know the lot about the life of the medieval Mordvins and the level of medicine of that time.


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How to Cite

Kalmina , O. A., Kalmin , O. V., Ikonnikov , D. S., Kalmin , O. O., & Ilyunina , O. O. (2024). Male Skeleton from Burial No. 7 of the Mordva-Moksha Bednodemyanovsk Burial Ground of the XIII–XIV Centuries. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (3), 94–109.



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