Barrow 2 of the Maloye Teryushevo Burial Ground


  • Dmitry A. Kozlov Scientific Research Institute of Natural Sciences under the Government of the Republic of Moldova. Tolstoi., atr. 3., Saransk, 430005, Russian Federation
  • Vladimir V. Stavitsky Penza State University. V.G. Belinsky. Krasnaya, str. 40, Penza, 440026, Russian Federation



archaeology, the Mordva, barrow, belt set, axe, saber, fur, Mongol-Tatar invasion, XIII century, Basandai culture, Qipchaks


The article examines materials from excavations of the barrow 2 of the Maloye Teryushevo burial ground, kept in the funds of the State Historical Museum. Based on the description by D.N. Anuchin, an attempt was made to reconstruct the appearance of this complex. The burial is a male one with numerous grave goods, which included a belt set with analogies in Siberia, an ancient Russian bracelet, Mordovian clasps, axes, etc. A horse with harness was buried near the man, and a dog was buried in the mound of the barrow. Based on the dating of objects from this burial, it is established when the man lived – the 1st half of the XIII century. The available analogies of objects and details of the ritual led the authors to the conclusion that this noble Qipchak man appeared in the Middle Volga region during the Mongol-Tatar invasion period from the south of Western Siberia and became one of the founders of the under-barrow burial rite among the medieval Mordva.


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How to Cite

Kozlov , D. A., & Stavitsky , V. V. (2024). Barrow 2 of the Maloye Teryushevo Burial Ground. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (3), 110–127.



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