Cluster of Alchiks in the Dwelling of the Second Half of the XIII–XIV Centuries on the Kamennoye Settlement on the Upper Don


  • Nikolay A. Tropin Yelets State University, Kommunarov str., 28, Yelets, 399770 Lipetsk region, Russian Federation
  • Artur A. Chubur Сenter for a comprehensive exploration of the Middle Desna region. Lane Fokina. 4. Bryansk. 241050, Russian Federation



archaeology, Middle Ages, Upper Don, alchik, game of dice, ritual, small cattle, tamga, ram, sheep, Kamennoye settlement, trade routes, import


The paper deals with a complex of finds in the form of a cluster of alchiks in the amount of 50 pieces found in a medieval Russian dwelling which was located in the southern outlying part of the Ryazan principality. The main task of the study is to find out the functional purpose of these items. The nature of signs of wear and external influences was studied. The data on the ornamentation, location and nature of the drilled holes are systematized. Morphometry of astragals was performed to determine the type, possible breed, gender and age of the animals. Among the alchiks, 41 items are not drilled, 9 have drilled holes. The ornament in the form of cut lines is fixed on the surface of seven alchiks, their thickness indicates a tool in the form of a thin blade. It is established that alchiks belonged only to rams or sheep. Traces of mechanical impact indicate that the astragals were dice. Morphometric analysis shows that the animals were 63.5–84 cm at the withers, with an average of 71 cm. These parameters are most similar to the Golden Horde sheep. These alchiks could have been imported to the Kamennoye settlement from the steppe zone, from the territories that were part of the Golden Horde.


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How to Cite

Tropin , N. A., & Chubur , A. A. (2024). Cluster of Alchiks in the Dwelling of the Second Half of the XIII–XIV Centuries on the Kamennoye Settlement on the Upper Don. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (3), 211–219.



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