
  • Olesya Anatolyevna Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University. Kremlyovskaya str., 18, Kazan, 420008, the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation





The deals with analysis of new cluster of rock carvings in the region of the three highest points of the Karzhantau ridge. The cluster was discovered and surveyed by the author in 2017-2018. Photo-documentation of petroglyphs and further digital post-processing of materials made it possible to form a high-quality source base for field studies of the monument and to conduct a further detailed analysis of the plot of Karatash, stylistic and iconographic features of 20 overlays of images carved on stone, highlighting two different groups of petroglyphs, as well as to determine the specifics of the organization of the ‘picture’ gallery of the monument in the mountainous space of the main clusters of Karakiyasay. Of great interest is the study of the patinization of palimsests, which allows to outline previously unknown aspects of the technology of creating rock carvings and to indicate two possible explanations for the fact of a more intense dark desert varnish on the upper layers of palimsests and a lighter varnish on the lower ones. The paper also features the results of an analysis of the technique of creating images of the rock gallery, information on the degree of preservation of the images are also provided, and preliminary dating of the petroglyphs and the wording of a fragment of an inscription made in Karatash using Arabic graphics, addressing the issues of the special purpose of the unique stone as the highest point of a mountain ‘temple’.


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How to Cite

Kashchey, O. A. (2020). ROCK IMAGES OF KARATASH. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (5), 39–49.



Research and Publication