
  • Nikoloz Tushabramishvili
  • Natalia B. Akhmetgaleeva


archaeology, transition from Middle to Upper Paleolithic, South Caucasus, processed bone, primary cleavage technology


A new study of the Otvalė-Klde and Bondi caves, located about 2 km apart in the Chiatura region of Imereti in Western Georgia, led to important conclusions highlighting this Paleolithic region from the Northern and Southern Caucasus. The life support system, the hunting strategy of the Middle Paleolithic Neanderthals, as well as the cutting, transportation and consumption of animals proved to be quite similar to those practiced by modern people in the Upper Paleolithic. In this work, traces of anthropogenic impact on bone remains from Orvale Klede and Bondi caves were determined by experimental traceological methods. The process of primary splitting of the bone was reconstructed in detail, obtaining the primary billet in a comparative plan by layers and sites, taking into account the results of studying the gun composition. It is concluded that some part of the billets from the long tubular bones of ungulate animals could be the result of additional deliberate strokes on the cracks and impacts along the butt end of the epiphysis of the bone along the axis of the object. The question is raised about additional food sources, other than eating bone marrow, and their role in the emergence of the technique of longitudinal cleavage in bone industries.

On the example of materials of the Middle Paleolithic and Upper Paleolithic layers of the Otvalė Klde cave, the unified strategy of utilization of bone raw materials is closely connected with the peculiarities of the life and economy of the ancient economy. Accordingly, we have received another confirmation of a single life support system for the Middle Paleolithic Neanderthals and modern people in the early Upper Paleolithic of Western Georgia.


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How to Cite

Tushabramishvili , . N., & Akhmetgaleeva, . N. B. (2017). TRANSITION FROM THE MIDDLE TO THE UPPER PALAEOLITHIC: NEW DATA ON THE UTILIZATION OF BONE RAW MATERIALS FROM THE MATERIALS OF THE CAVES ORTWALE KLDE AND BONDI (SOUTH CAUCASUS, GEORGIA). Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (2), 129–150. Retrieved from



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