New Discovery of Weapons of the XIII–XIV Centuries in the North Caucasus


  • Rashid Kh. Mamaev Independent Researcher, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Vitaly E. Narozhny Independent Researcher, Armavir, Russian Federation
  • Evgeny I. Narozhny Karachay-Cherkess State University named after U.D.Aliyev. Lenin str., 29, Karachayevsk, 369202, Russian Federation



archaeology, Golden Horde, military and weaponry, spearheads, iron axes, caltrops


The article contains references to some debatable articles on the history of the military affairs of the Golden Horde, primarily focusing on new findings, battle bearded iron axes and iron caltrops. The question of discussion aspects of weaponry during the period from Mongol-Tatar campaign to Timur’s conquest is raised, firstly about «poisoned gases», grenades and firearm. New finding of caltrops and palm of the late Middle Ages from Zheleznodorozhnoye settlement have been published, research of spears and sabers from the Keli burial ground of Ingushetiya Highlands continues. Special attention is paid to the important article by I.A. Druzhinina on battle axes with bearded blade. The question about the complexity of functional analysis of finding of bearded axes by chance is raised in the article by Dudarev S.L., Berezhnaya V.A. and S.N. Savenko.


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How to Cite

Mamaev , R. K., Narozhny , V. E., & Narozhny , E. I. (2024). New Discovery of Weapons of the XIII–XIV Centuries in the North Caucasus . Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (3), 344–348.



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