Horse in the Culture of the Medieval Population of Primorye


  • Yana E. Anzulis Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnology, Far- Eastern Branch of the RAS. Pushkinskaya, Str., 89, Vladivostok, 690001, Russian Federation
  • Elena V. Astashenkova  Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnology, Far- Eastern Branch of the RAS. Pushkinskaya, Str., 89, Vladivostok, 690001, Russian Federation



archaeology, Primorye, early Middle Ages, Mohe, Balhae (698-926), Jin (1115-1234), Eastern Xia (1215-1233), economy, art


The article examines the role and importance of the horse in the material and spiritual culture of the early medieval population of Primorye on the basis of a wide range of archaeological data (bone remains, artifacts, pictorial sources). The authors conclude that the insight formed on the basis of chronicle data about the significant share of horse breeding in the life support system of the carriers of the Mohe culture in Primorye during the VI–VII centuries does not find archaeological confirmation today. Horses played an important role in the economic life of the Balhae population, primarily served as a draught and transport animal, they also were a subject of barter and tribute, the basis of the Balhae army. This is reflected in a significant amount of direct and indirect data, and correlates with written sources. But such a significant place in everyday life and economy, which was occupied by a horse, is not widely reflected in decorative and fine arts, funeral rite of the Balhae people, in ideas and beliefs unrelated to the official religious doctrine. Despite the difficulties with gathering archaeozoological artifacts on the sites of Eastern Xia and the small amount of special study so far, indirect data indicate the widespread use of horses in everyday life and military affairs of the Jurchen people. Their culture was significantly influenced by the nomadic world, and statehood was formed quite late. Probably, that is why the image of a horseman, which appeared in the region at the turn of the VII–VIII centuries, was developed in the art of the Jurchen of Primorye region at the beginning of the XIII century, and images of a horse decorate individual household items and elements of a belt set.


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How to Cite

Anzulis , Y. E., & Astashenkova , E. V. (2024). Horse in the Culture of the Medieval Population of Primorye. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (3), 358–372.



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