Some Results on Study of The Oroshayemoye Site in the Steppe Zone of the Volga Region


  • Aleksander A. Vybornov Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education. Lev Tolstoy St., Samara, 443010, Russian Federation
  • Filat F. Gilyazov Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education. Lev Tolstoy St., Samara, 443010, Russian Federation
  • Natalia S. Doga Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education. Lev Tolstoy St., Samara, 443010, Russian Federation
  • Marianna A. Kulkova Herzen State Pedagogical University. Moyki emb., St.Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation
  • Aleksander I. Yudin Research Center for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage, Glebuchev ovrag St., Saratov, 410003, Russian Federation



archaeology, steppe zone of the Volga r region, Neolithic, Orlovka culture, Eneolithic, Caspian culture, periodization, chronology, aridization, ceramics, stone inventory, producing economy


Neolithic-Eneolithic sites in the steppe zone are not so many. Therefore, new settlement excavations are very important. One of them is the Oroshayemoye settlement. The planigraphic observation of the area of this settlement showed that it consists of two sites – Algai and Oroshayemoye I. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the presence of clear stratigraphic successions on both sites. There are several cultural layers of different ages separated by sterile streaks. The lower level contains the artifacts of the Orlovka Neolithic culture. The finds of the Caspian culture were found in the middle cultural layer. The upper cultural layer contains the inventory of the Eneolithic periods and later epochs. This made it possible to develop the Neolith-Eneolithic cultural periodization in detail for the region. A large series of radiocarbon dates gave the possibility to establish the chronological framework for each culture. The reconstruction of paleogeographical conditions of population development in the Later Stone Age and Eneolithic was provided by the spore-pollen and geochemical analysis.  Archaeozoological analysis helped to determine the animal species for each period. Of particular importance are the results related to the appearance of the first signs of a producing economy in the area. In addition, it is possible to provide a more detailed description of ceramic and stone tools for each cultural complex. Technical and technological analysis of pottery revealed characteristic features of various cultures.


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How to Cite

Vybornov , A. A., Gilyazov , F. F., Doga , N. S., Kulkova, M. A., & Yudin , A. I. (2024). Some Results on Study of The Oroshayemoye Site in the Steppe Zone of the Volga Region. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (4), 219–227.



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