Tatyana Bagishevna Nikitina’s Anniversary


  • Alexander V. Akilbaev Mari Scientifi c Research Institute of Language, Literatures and Histories of V.M.Vasilev. Krasnoarmeyskaya St., 44, Yoshkar-Ola, 424036, Russian Federation




archaeology of Middle Ages, T.B. Nikitina, anniversary, scientific contribution, medieval Mari culture


The paper describes the main fields of the research work by Doctor of History, chief research fellow at the Mari Research Institute of Language, Literature and History named after V.M. Vasiliev, famous specialist in medieval archaeology Tatyana Bagishevna Nikitina, who celebrated her anniversary on July 27, 2024. T.B. Nikitina began to study archaeology while still at the Mari State University. After graduation she came to work at the Mari Research Institute, where she still works. The scientific interests of the jubilarian are related with the medieval archaeology of the Mari people, the areas where they live. Initially it was burial grounds of XVI–XVIII centuries, then the sphere of study expanded to the whole medieval era. For the period of scientific activity of the researcher till today more than 200 scientific articles and 9 monographs have been published.


Nikitin, V. V. Nikitina, T. B. 2004. K istokam mariiskogo iskusstva (To the Origins of the Mari Art). Yoshkar-Ola: Mari Scientific and Research Language, Literature, History and Ethnography Institute (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B. 1990. In Arkhipov, G. A. (ed.). Drevnosti Povetluzh’ia (Antiquities of the Vetluga River Basin). Series: Arkheologiia i etnografiia Mariiskogo kraia (Archaeology and Ethnography of Mari Land) 17. Yoshkar-Ola: Mari Scientific and Research Language, Literature, and History Institute, 81–118 (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B. 1992. Mariitsy (konets XVI – nachalo XVIII vv.) po materialam mogil’nikov (Mari People in Late 16th — Early 18th Centuries by Materials of the Burial Grounds). Yoshkar-Ola: Mari Research Institute of Language, Literature, and History (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B. 1999. Istoriia naseleniia Mariiskogo kraia v I tys. n.e. (po materialam mogil’nikov) (History of the Inhabitants of the Mari Land in I Millennium AD (by Materials from Burial Grounds). Series: Proceedings of Mari Archaeological Expedition V. Yoshkar-Ola: Mari Research Institute of Language, Literature and History (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B. 2001. In Nikitin, V. V., Solov’ev, B. S. (eds.). Drevnosti Povolzh’ia I Prikam’ia (Antiquities of the Volga and Kama Regions). Arkheologiia i etnografiia Mariiskogo kraia (Archaeology and Ethnography of the Mari Land) 25. Yoshkar-Ola: Mari Research Institute of Language, Literature, History and Ethnography Institute, 45–51 (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B. 2002. Mariitsy v epokhu srednevekov’ia (po arkheologicheskim materialam) (Mari People in the Middle Ages (by archaeological materials)). Yoshkar-Ola: Mari Research Institute of Language, Literature and History (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B., Mikheeva, A. I. 2006. Alamner: mif i real’nost’ (Vazhnangerskoe (Malo-Sundyrskoe) gorodishche i ego okruga) (Alamner: Myth and Reality (Vazhnanger (Maly Sundyr’) Hillfort and its Surroundings)). Yoshkar-Ola: Mari Research Institute of Language, Literature, and History (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B. 2010. In Nauchnyi Tatarstan (Scientific Tatarstan) (4) 85–91 (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B. 2012. Pogrebal’nye pamiatniki IX–XI vv. Vetluzhsko-Viatskogo mezhdurech’ia (Burial Sites of the 9th – 11th Centuries in the Vetluga-Vyatka Interfluvial Area). Series: Arkheologiya evraziiskikh stepei (Archaeology of Eurasian Steppes) 14. Kazan: “Otechestvo” Publ. (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B. 2015. In Kratkie soobshcheniia Instituta arkheologii (Brief Communications of the Institute of Archaeology) 240, 124–140 (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B. 2018. Rusenikhinskiy mogil'nik (Rusenikhino burial ground) In Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh stepei (Archaeology of Eurasian Steppes) 3 (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B. 2023. Poyasnye nabory naseleniya Vetluzhsko-Vyatskogo mezhdurech'ya IX-XI vv. (Belt sets of the population of the Vetluga-Vyatka interfluve of the IX–XI centuries). Budapest: Martin Opitz Kiado (in Russian and Hungarian).



How to Cite

Akilbaev , A. V. (2024). Tatyana Bagishevna Nikitina’s Anniversary. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (4), 353–357. https://doi.org/10.24852/2587-6112.2024.4.353.357


