Turkological Research by the Institute of Archaeology of Crimea of the Russian Academy of Sciences Over the Past 10 Years
medieval Taurika, Turkic cultures of the VII-XVIII centuries, archaeological issues, historical topography, architecture, material culture, Christianization, religious syncretism., medieval Taurika, Turkic cultures of the VII-XVIII centuries, archaeological issues, historical topography, architecture, material culture, ChristianizationAbstract
The article briefly describes the main areas of research of the Institute of Archaeology of Crimea RAS related to the study of Turkic cultures of the Middle Ages recorded on the Crimean peninsula. The chronological limits is wide and covers the period of the Proto-Bulgarian Turkic Saltovo-Mayaki culture (late VII - early X century), the time of Taurika's stay in the ulus of the Golden Horde (the last third of the XIII - the first half of the XV century) and the material culture of the Crimean Khanate (XV - late XVIII century). In all these three periods, issues related to the peculiarities of the historical topography of archaeological sites, the composition and functional purpose of various buildings, the specifics of the set of artifacts, the economic and commercial relations of these Turkic states on the territory of the peninsula are highlighted. These issues are largely due to the influence of the Christian Byzantine Empire and the countries of Western Europe, primarily Genoa. Based on this, the Turkic culture of Taurika, especially in the Khazar and Golden Horde periods, was a unique combination of eastern and western features and a unique religious syncretism and tolerance. They manifested themselves in historical topography, architecture, and in other components of material culture.
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