
  • Valentin Pankowski


archaeology, Eastern Europe, the Chalcolithic, the Cucuteni-Tripolye, bone industry, dag-gers, idols, use-wear analysis


Two contexts attributed to the later half of the Tripolye СІІ stage are reported to yeild similar dagger-like bone artifacts. One of them was recently discovered in Kurgany-Dubova, and another was found long ago in the burial ground of Ofatinţi. The use-wear modifications seem to cluster upon broad side as well as within fixing eyelet of the object from Kurgany, to suggest that the non-tool accessory item was actually hung up to carry it around. The Ofatinţi object, in its turn, lacks any distinct utilization marks. Its perforation seems to contain nothing but hand drilling traces. Such evidence may reaffirm the highly probable inferences for the Ofatinţi object as a statuery amulet which was thought to be stylistically similar to some clay anthropomorphic figurines. Basically, the Cucuteni-Tripolye bone industries include diaphyseal lamellae used in various tool types equipped with highly worn-out edges. These still require traceological examination to reveal their functions as equipments. In fact, in artifacts from Kurgany and Ofatinţi the quasi-working parts are presented, yet these are not worn-out at all. The lamellar idols from Kurgany and Ofatinţi with perforated heads and dotted ornamentation seem too different from daggers of the Brînzeni group with incised linear décor.


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How to Cite

Pankowski , . V. (2017). TRACEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE FROM THE LATE TRIPOLYE DAGGER-LIKE BONE OBJECTS. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (2), 253–264. Retrieved from



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