
  • Victoria S. Belyayeva




archaeology, Upper Volga region, primeval period, description program, archaeological monument database, evolution of household systems, nutrition system


The article traces the evolution of the nutrition system of the population of the Upper Volga region based
on an analysis of archaeological data obtained at the most thoroughly studied monuments of the Mesolithic,
Neolithic, Bronze Age and early Iron Age, located within the contemporary Tver region. The author considers
a summary of the background information related to the study of the household systems. The nutrition system
is analyzed for two related, but separate stages, the fi rst of which was the Mesolithic, Neolithic and the second
one was the Bronze and Early Iron Ages. A previously developed program for analyzing life support systems
was used to study the nutrition system, which includes 59 informative blocks and 345 attributes. Based on
the obtained data, it was revealed that for thousands of years of primitive history the nutrition system was
represented by all types of activities generally associated with the extraction, preparation and preservation of
foodstuffs. Fishing and gathering remained mandatory primary production for the two stages, but hunting was
more developed in the Bronze and Early Iron Ages. In the course of adapting to the conditions of the natural
environment, the population of the Upper Volga region managed to create a successful life support system for
the development and growth of the population.


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How to Cite

Belyayeva, V. S. (2020). EVOLUTION OF THE NUTRITION SYSTEM OF THE POPULATION OF THE UPPER VOLGA REGION IN THE PRIMEVAL PERIOD. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (5), 55–61. https://doi.org/10.24852/2587-6112.2020.5.55.61



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