
  • Olga A. Lopatina


Dyakovo culture, pottery, technology, ‘textile’ ceramics, experiment, rolling, cultural traditions


The paper is dedicated to the study of methods of applying the so-called ‘textile’ imprints on the surface
of ceramics corresponding to the Dyakovo culture of the Early Iron Age. As previously demonstrated by the
author, the ‘textile’ imprints appeared as a result of rolling a relief die over the surface of vessels. The author
conducted a trace evidence analysis of the ‘textile’ imprints and studied the features of their morphology, arrangement
on the surface, overlapping and deformations. The tools used for the application of the certain types
of ‘textile’ imprints on the surfaces of Dyakovo vessels were reconstructed. The paper features an overview of
these tools. It also contains the results of experiments conducted with the use of the tools. The overview is supplemented
by information on the reconstruction of rolling tools obtained on the basis of materials corresponding
to other cultures with ‘textile’ ceramics. The paper also presents a comparison of ancient and contemporary
rolling tools applied in traditional African pottery. The author relates the use of various rolling tools with the
existence of diff erent cultural traditions in the pottery of the ancient population.


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How to Cite

Lopatina, . O. A. (2017). TEXTURE ROLLING OF THE SURFACE AS A TECHNIQUE FOR THE CREATION OF SO-CALLED ‘TEXTILE’ PRINTS ON ANCIENT CERAMICS. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (4), 287–296. Retrieved from https://evrazstep.ru/index.php/aes/article/view/215



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