
  • Irakli Z. Bakradze the National Museum of Georgia


helmets, headpieces of the Wawel type, the Caucasus


A highly interesting helmet is deposited in the Historical Museum of Tsageri (Georgia). The closest counterparts of this battle headpiece is stored in the Wawel Palace in Krakow (Poland) and in the State Hermitage in Saint Petersburg (Russia). The strong similarity of all three helmets suggests that they were all produced in a single region within a relatively short period of time. Besides, a number of features common to the Wawel type of helmets is demonstrated by a battle headpiece from Rekom Sanctuary of (Northern Ossetia). Researchers date these combat headpieces diff erently - from the 13th to the 15th centuries. However, in our opinion this dating requires rectifi cation. The ethnocultural affi liation of the Wawel type of helmets is also unclear, but there are reasons to consider particularly the Caucasus and Georgia as one of the regions where this type of combat headpieces could have been produced.


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How to Cite

Bakradze , I. Z. (2017). A HELMET OF THE WAWEL TYPE IN THE HISTORICAL MUSEUM OF TSAGERI (GEORGIA). Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (5), 186–195. Retrieved from https://evrazstep.ru/index.php/aes/article/view/223



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