
  • Andrei A. Gomzin


Bavandids, Tabaristan Ka'usids, Rustam b. Sharvin, Firrim, Oka region, hoards, dirhams.


The article introduces into scientific discourse the dirhams of Tabaristan Ka’usids originating from hoards discovered in the basin of the Oka river. It features a description of a record sheet of their legends and an image of each of the coins. According to the available information, the dirhams in question were brought to the Oka region together with the coins of the Buwaihids and the Ziyarids. For the first time the dirhams of the Ka'usids appeared in the area as part of the hoards dated second half of the 970s – the early 980s, and continue to be encountered in the complexes of late 10th – early 11th centuries.


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How to Cite

Gomzin , A. A. (2017). DIRHAMS OF TABARISTAN KA’USIDS IN THE OKA REGION. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (6), 45–50. Retrieved from https://evrazstep.ru/index.php/aes/article/view/262



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