
  • Natalia B. Vasilieva Independent researcher. Kostromskaya St., 4, Vologda, 160034, Russian Federation


archaeology, Mesolithic, Vologda region, Mologa - Sheksna Rivers interfl uve, flint artifacts, use-wear, traceology, spatial analisis, sites


The monograph presents results of paleo-economic reconstructions the Mesolithic sites at the Mologa-Sheksna interfl uve located in the central part of the European North. The author used technical-morphological, experimental-traceological and spatial analyzes of stone production inventory in order to fully reveal the information potential of the studied materials. The work presents the fi rst description of the characteristic features of the fl int processing technology and the main types of production activities practiced by the Mesolithic population of the region. The results of completed studies and archaeological context information have allowed to
identify functional typology of the sites, as characterize various aspects of the historical and cultural processes which occurred at the Mologa-Sheksna interfl uve during the Mesolithic.


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How to Cite

Vasilieva, N. B. (2020). STONE INDUSTRY OF THE MESOLITHIC SITES I N THE MOLOGA-SHEKSNA INTERFLUVE. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (3), 9–171. Retrieved from



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