
  • Vesna Vučković Hometown Museum ’’Paraćin’’. Paraćin, 35250 Serbia


archaeology, prehistoric skills, macro-lithic tools, shells, boar task, polishers, smoothers, experiments, pottery


Data on the implementation of macro-lithic tools in pottery production during the Late Neolithic of the central Balkans are very rare. This paper presents experiments in smoothing, polishing pottery surface in order to examine several topics. Fourteen vessels were made of various tempered clay and different moisture levels. Their surfaces were processed by smoothers made of shells and the experimentally made stone axe. Polishing has been performed by pebbles and a boar task. The experimental tests resulted in a comparative collection of micro-wear traces considering the objects originating from an archaeological context. This can reveal pottery workshops and possible technological varieties in pottery production within the settlement or between settlements. At the same time, it has been documented that types of use-wear traces on stone polishers appeared and developed in various time, depending on pottery temper. Observations also show a correlation between the productivity and morphology of stone polishers, the shape of the vessels and decoration. It has been also concluded that to the working effi ciency of the implemented artefacts made of various materials such as stone and the boar tusk depends on technology implemented in pottery production. These experiments can assist in completing an economic picture of the Neolithic settlements on the Central Balkans. It encourages further examinations of wear resistance, mechanical property, effi ciency of the pottery smoothers and polishers made of various materials such as stone, bone and shells.


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How to Cite

Vučković, V. (2020). USE OF MACRO - LITHICS IN THE POTTERY PRODUCTION DURING THE LATE NEOLITHIC OF THE CENTRAL BALKANS. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (3), 249–256. Retrieved from



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