
  • Yan S. Svyatoy Belgorod regional public organization “Ancient History Society”. Nagornaya Str., 25, offi ce 47, Belgorod, 308001, Russian Federation
  • Anastasiya A. Kostileva Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites of the Belgorod Oblast. Grazhdansky Prospekt.., 41, Belgorod, 308000, Russian Federation



archaeology, mound, Belgorod region, Kursk, Voronezh province, history of archaeology, academic expeditions, local history


The history of investigation the barrows are represented by the authors. Until 1954, the territory of contemporary Belgorod region was part of the Voronezh and Kursk governorates / regions. During this period, the study of antiquities took place in line with the development of archaeology in these regions. Since the late 1950s, large academic archaeological expeditions have been conducted in the region, and a current databank of barrow monuments of the region is starting to be formed. In the 2000s, a complete survey of the region was carried out by local expeditions in order to reveal the presence of barrows.


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How to Cite

Svyatoy, Y. S. ., & Kostileva, A. A. (2020). THE HISTORY OF THE STUDY OF BARROW ANTIQUITIES LOCATED IN THE TERRITORY OF MODERN BELGOROD REGION. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (5), 174–181.



Research and Publication