
  • Rosa B. Arazova Khazar University. 11, Mehseti Str., Khazar University, Neftchilar Campus, Baku, AZ1096, Azerbaijan


archaeology, settlement, and traceological and experimental analysis, fl int liners with brilliance, obsidian plates, reaping sickles, plate-toothed sickles, solid straight blade sickles, bone hoes, grain graters


This paper is dedicated to the experimental and traceological study of the one of the most important sources - the fl int and obsidian instruments of Alikemektepe settlement, which practiced agriculture. Microanalysis has established that the stone industry was mainly represented by blade sickle inserts. Use-wear traces, linear signs, and traces of bitumen on their surface imply that the settlement was characterized by developed forms of sickles with a curved handle, but with different locations (fastening, arrangement) of inserts in a sickle cage of bone or wood. Thus, harvesting sickles of different types were known (spread) in this area: dentate-type (Shomutepin type), compound sickles with a straight cutting blade (predominant items) and single-blade sickles with a straight blade. Experiments demonstrate the high performance of the latter two types of sickles. The processing of products was associated with oval and scaphoid granulators, mortars and pestles which are common for the settlement. A functional study of bone products discovered in Alikemektepe made it possible to identify land-cultivating tools - hoes of tesloid and axe-like shape; excavators, and shovels. The experimental and and traceological study of the production inventory of Alikemektepe, identifi cation (defi nition) of different types of reaping sickles, improvement and high performance of the latter, the presence of bone hoes, shovels and other implements together with palaeobotanical fi nds confi rms the high level of developed hoe farming.


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How to Cite

Arazova, R. B. (2020). AGRICULTURAL TOOLS OF ALIKEMEKTEPE SETTLEMENT (ON THE BASIS OF EXPERIMENTAL AND TRACEOLOGICAL STUDIES). Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (3), 269–274. Retrieved from



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