
  • Boryana Mateva National Polytechnic Museum, Opalchenska Str. 66, Sofi a, 1303, Bulgaria


archaeology, Late Neolithic, North-Eastern Bulgaria, flint, functional analysis


The collection addressed in this work originates from a Late Neolithic settlement (Boian-Bolintineanu culture) discovered in 2003 during the excavations of a Thracian fortress Helis (4th–3rd centuries BC) located at Sobyanyanovo Archaeological Reserve in North-East Bulgaria. The collection compiled over the period of 2003 through 2018 includes 2070 artifacts. Their major portion is made of gray, dark gray or yellowish gray fl int raw materials with numerous dark and light spots, and a large number of foreign inclusions and microcracks in the structure of the material. Apparently, the sources of this material are the hills and troughs of the rivers around the settlement area, where even today this type of natural fl int can be encountered. Single samples from the collection are made of Ludogorie (Dobrudja) fl int, which is characteristic of the Eneolithic period of this part of Bulgaria, and the neighbouring area of Romania. Despite the appearance of single samples made from better by diffi cultly processes raw material, the general fl int implement crafting technique, and the type of implements and signs of wear on their surface have retained the Neolithic nature. Functional analysis results suggest a signifi cant prevalence of implements related to cattle breeding and hunting over agricultural implements, which is a fact known from the studies of other Neolithic settlements. The results of this work can be used for comparative analysis in the process of studying the household life of the Late Neolithic, and to clarify certain aspects of the chronology and development of fl int industries at the turn of the Neolithic and Eneolithic periods.


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How to Cite

Mateva, B. (2020). FLINT FINDINGS FROM THE THRACIAN TOWN “SOBORYANOVO”. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (3), 285–295. Retrieved from https://evrazstep.ru/index.php/aes/article/view/314



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