
  • Alexander V. Kolesnik Donetsk National University (DonNU). Universitetskaya St., 24, Donetsk, 83048, Ukraine
  • Irina R. Gusach Azov History, Archaeology and Paleontology Museum-Reserve. Moskovskaya St., 38/40, Azov, 346780, Russian Federation


archaeology, 17–18 centuries, Cherkassk fortress, Lower Don, Cossacks, gun and fi re-steel flints, gun lock


The work contributes to the further investigation of the fl int economy of the modern period in Eastern Europe. To resolve this issue, the materials of the Cherkassk fortress of the 17th–18th centuries on the Lower Don are analyzed. The following items were considered: gun micro-lithic tools - inserts (51 pcs), fi re-steel fl ints (39 pcs), as well as products directly related to fl int economy and fi rearms, i.e. bullets (222 pcs), and 2 fl intlocks. One of the fl intlocks has retained a gun fl int. Gun and fi re-steel fl ints originate from various archaeological sites. The universal dating material of all objects of the cultural layer is coins, primarily the widespread copper coins of a minor value. The deposits of gun and fi re-steel flints in a cultural layer of a fortifi ed settlement coincide with the household waste deposit models. The authors introduce a wear intensity index (Iint) for fl intlock micro-lithic tools - inserts to determine the reduction degree of the objects. The technology of their manufacture and changes in the typological composition of gun fl ints over time are analyzed. The authors come to conclusion that gun fl ints were mainly delivered to the fortress as part of state supplies and produced at specialized workshops in the distribution area of coal-based fl int in the central regions of European Russia. After wearing out, gun fl ints were used for striking fi re with fi re-steels.


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How to Cite

Kolesnik, A. V. ., & Gusach, I. R. (2020). GUN AND FIRE-STEEL FLINTS, GUN ELEMENTS OF THE 17TH–18TH CENTURIES FROM THE CHERKASSK FORTRESS ON THE LOWER DON. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (3), 296–312. Retrieved from



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