
  • Konstantin A. Rudenko Kazan State University of Culture. Orenburgsky Trakt St., 3, Kazan, 420059, Russian Federation


nomads, Golden Horde, material culture, Bulgarian Ulus, metal mirrors


The article examines artifacts from burials of nomads from the Bulgarian area of the Golden Horde. The author collected data from excavations of nomad´s burial grounds, solitary burials in urban and rural cemeteries, as well as materials from museum collections and publications. In total, artifacts from 25 graves from 6 necropolises were studied. The systematization of the fi nds has been carried out, the chronological framework of their existence has been determined based on the materials of the excavations. The author analyzed analogies to these artifacts and fi nds from synchronous complexes from burials of nomads of the Urals and the
Volga Area. He found that there is a close connection between the items of horse harness and equipment with inventory of nomadic mounds of the XIV century. There are very few similar products in the settlements of the Bulgarian area of the Golden Horde. Studied jewelry diff ers from products common in the cities of the Golden Horde. Local types of products are distinguished, which are distinguished by a high level of stylization. The material is dated to the XIV century. The author claims that the material culture of the nomadic population of the Bulgar area of the Golden Horde of this period is identical with the material culture of the nomads of the Volga and the Urals and forms a single whole with it.


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How to Cite

Rudenko, K. A. (2018). MATERIAL CULTURE OF THE NOMADS OF THE BULGAR ULUS OF THE GOLDEN HORDE. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (4), 172–175. Retrieved from



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