
  • Polina O. Senotrusova Siberian Federal University. Svobodny Av. St., 79, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation
  • Pavel V. Mandryka Siberian Federal University. Svobodny Av. St., 79, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation


Lower Angara region, the developed Middle Ages, the Lesosibirsk culture, military science, onions, tips of arrows, tips of copies, hatchet, saber, broadsword


During the Mongolian era at the population of Lower Angara region the set of weapon including both local forms, and popular in a steppe belt of Eurasia objects was created. Weapon of remote fi ght is presented by fi nds of details of slozhnosostavny onions and tips of arrows. The taiga population used onions with massive trailer to slips inserts, executed from a horn. They fi nd the next analogies in monuments of the North of Western Siberia. Among tips of arrows iron fl at and linzovidny products in section so popular in the Mongolian time prevail, but also specifi c shipasty and dolotovidny pronikatel are widely presented. The polearm is presented by vtulchaty and petiolar tips of copies. Knives, hatchets, broadswords belong to means of conducting infighting. Hatchets are massive rezhushche–cutting the weapon known only in a taiga zone of Middle Siberia. Objects of protective arms aren't found yet therefore there are no bases to speak about presence of tyazhelovooruzhenny soldiers. Existence in burials of a bit of a diff erent design and bones of a horse on settlements, allows to assume at the Angarsk population existence of a cavalry though it is probable, in limited quantity.


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How to Cite

Senotrusova, P. O., & Mandryka , . P. V. (2018). MILITARY SCIENCE OF THE POPULATION OF THE LOWER ANGARA DURING THE MONGOLIAN ERA. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (4), 176–179. Retrieved from



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