
  • Tarikh M. Dostiev Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of NAS of Azerbaijan, Javid Guseyn Av., 31, Baku, AZ1143, Azerbaijan


Azerbaijan, Islamic culture, religious buildings, Muslim funeral rite, pre–Islamic traditions


IX–X centuries were marked with the introduction of innovation in all spheres of urban culture of Azerbaijan. In this period the type of city was established which existed without fundamental changes throughout the middle Ages. The position of the city has changed. From the city–fortress which was in the IV–VIIcenturies, the city becomes a major political–administrative, trade–craft and cultural center. Archaeological investigation of the medieval cities of Azerbaijan shows that they acquired a common Islamic character with characteristic topographical parts and new types of monumental structures in IX–X centuries. The features of
urbanized standards are clearly traced, integration processes are brightly manifested and cultural ties expand. The process of urbanization reaches the highest level in the XI–XII centuries. The Muslim burial tradition is spreading since the VII century. Tower mausoleums were an architectural phenomenon of the Seldjoukid era, and they became an integral part of the architectural landscape of cities. An important aspect of the progressive development of cities is the continuity of cultural heritage and traditionalism. Local pre–Islamic traditions were transformed and played a signifi cant role in the formation of medieval urban culture.


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How to Cite

Dostiev, T. M. (2018). MEDIEVAL CITY CULTURE OF AZERBAIJAN (INNOVATIONS AND TRADITIONS). Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (4), 222–225. Retrieved from



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