
  • Omar–Sharip Khdirniyazov Karakalpak State University. named after Berdakh. Chardzhou Abdirov St., 1, Nukus, 230112, Republic of Uzbekistan


South Aral, Pulzhai. Dwelling, production facilities, mausoleum, artifacts and trade ties 13th–14th centuries


The article examines the results of archaeological studies of the ancient settlement of Pulzhai located in the northern part of Karakalpakstan. The results of the research show that it was a peripheral trade and craft unfortifi ed city of the South Aral Sea region during the Golden Horde era. The revealed artifacts testify to the economic and craft activity of the citizens of Pulzha. The houses of the unfortifi ed settlement of the monument consist of groups of two or three buildings or separately standing, separated by intervals. There is no well–planned quarterly development. The design and interiors of the residential and household premises are in close touch with the dwellings of the central cities of the oasis. On the other hand, they contain elements of the interior of the Golden Horde era: the hearth–kan, sufa, nausea and tandyr. In the archaeological material there are nomadic and imported things. In general, the revival of the unsettled city of Pulzha is connected with the general urbanization process of the region as part of the Khorezm–Zhuchid ulus. Excavations revealed that the entire territory of an unfortifi ed settlement is occupied by archaeological objects of the Golden Horde era.


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How to Cite

Khdirniyazov, O. (2018). PULZHAY: MONUMENT OF THE URBAN CULTURE OF THE SOUTH ARAL SEA REGION. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (4), 238–243. Retrieved from https://evrazstep.ru/index.php/aes/article/view/358



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