
  • Aleksey Yu. Sergeev Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dmitry Ulyanov St., 19, Moscow, 117036, Russian Federation


Lower Volga region, high medieval, charred macroremains, mineralization of seeds, crops


In the article results of archaeobotanical research are presented a collection obtained on the Samosdelskoe settlement. It was analysed 25 samples extracted with the manual fl otation of an occupation layer, and also heavy fractions (a mineral deposit) some of these samples (12 tests). Besides, are studied 7 bulk congestions of the grain which have been found out visually. Considering disorder of samples on chronological horizons and objects from 11th to sulfurs. 14th in while it is possible to discuss only total list of taxa. In fl otation samples and their heavy fractions 12364 macrorests of crops, fruit and weed plants, both in charred, and in mineralized a kind are revealed. The basic agricultural crops of a site are broomcorn millet and bread wheat. Oats, barley, arye and lentil had smaller value. Unique for today grain kernel the rice, found in layer 11th–12th centuries specifies in elite consumption of certainly import production by inhabitants of Saksin. Among fruit plants, whose seeds have been found out in signifi cant amounts, it is necessary to note a mulberry, a water–melon, a melon and grapes.


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How to Cite

Sergeev, A. Y. (2018). ARCHAEOBOTANY ON THE SAMOSDELKA SETTLEMENT: THE FIRST RESULTS OF RESEARCHES. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (4), 299–303. Retrieved from



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