
  • Nikolay A. Tropin Yelets State University named after I. A. Bunin, Communards St., 28, Yelets, 399770, Russian Federation


cast–iron cauldrons, classifi cation of the articles made of the cast iron, technology of casting production, Yelets principality, the Upper Don, trade connections, the Golden Horde


Articles of the cast iron from the territory of Yelets principality (situated on the right bank of the Upper Don) have not been the object of study hitherto. During the time of many years' excavations and prospecting, mostly by Yelets state university, the imposing collection of these articles, containing 49 fragments and descending from eight monuments, has been formed. These monuments are situated on the left bank of the Fast Sosna lower stream, where Yelets principality was formed in the late XIV century. The fi nds are systemically introduced into the scientifi c circulation for the fi rst time. The main tasks are connected with clearing up the
spreading of the main types of cauldrons and the period of their existing. In the analysis we use the classifi cation by K.A. Rudenko, which takes into account the shape of the vessels. According to it the articles are divided into three groups. The vessels of groups 2 and 3, which have a profi led form, prevail in number. There are some observations of the cast–iron cauldrons making technology. The cast–iron vessel was not spread in the basin of the Fast Sosna before the middle of the XIV century. The period of its existence comes in the second half of the XIV century. And its peak spread is the last quarter of the XIV century, but this does not mean it was not used in housekeeping later on.


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How to Cite

Tropin, N. A. (2018). CAST–IRON CAULDRONS FROM THE TERRITORY OF YELETS PRINCIPALITY OF XIV–XV CENTURIES. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (4), 304–308. Retrieved from



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