
  • Alexander K. Nefyodkin Belgorod State University, Pobedy Str, 85 Belgorod, 308015 Russian Federation



chariots, sledges, warfare, primitive society, the Chukchi, the Koryaks, the Evenks


The article deals with the tactics of battle sledging, in particular, known from the ethnographic descriptions of the koryak sledges. Obviously, since ancient times, the combat use of chariots and sledges was similar: shooting at the enemy – turning – repeated shooting. Such tactics was used in battles against enemy sledges or chariots, and against less mobile infantry. In order to use a sledge or chariots, a rather fl at terrain was required, although sledges were used in winter, and chariots in summer. The military use of chariots and sledges differed rather in terms of the social aspect. Whereas almost all reindeer-breeding Chukchi and Koryaks had sledges for driving and/or running in the primitive societies, only the noble or wealthy tribe members possessed chariots.
In general, we can note the similarity of the combat use of sleds and chariots. Their owners obviously had a high social status.


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How to Cite

Nefyodkin, A. K. (2020). CHARIOTS AND SLEDGES: THE TACTICS RECONSTRUCTION ISSUE. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (6), 34–41.



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