
  • Vladimir G. Bezdudny Laboratory Archaeological Geophisic. Grizodubovoi Str., 50, Rostov na Don, 344058, Russian Federation
  • Igor V. Volkov Russian Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage named after Dmitry Likhachev. Kosmonavtov Str., 2, Moscow, 129301, Russian Federation
  • Vasily N. Marchuk Fryazino branch of the Institute for Radio Engineering and Electronics named after Vladimir Kotelnikov. Vedenskogo Sq., 1, Fryazino, Moscow Reg., 141190, Russian Federation
  • Airat G. Sitdikov Institute of Archaeology named after A. Kh. Khalikov, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences. Butlerov Str., 30, Kazan, 420012, the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation; Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University. Kremlyovskaya St., 18, Kazan, 420000, the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation


Bolgary site, geophysical methods, georadar, magnetometry, historical topography, nondestructive methods, pottery making, layout of site


Complex geophysical exploration of the site was conducted in some areas including: 1) district of Galanka lake (place of pottery making) and 2) district to the east of excavation number CXCIV (“house with tower” or “customs offi cer’s house”). The aim of exploration is new information on the structure of site development and of single constructions. The mapping of magnetic fi elds distribution in 0,5 × 0,5 m measuring net and georadar measuring net 0,5 × 0,1 m and 0,25 × 0,1 m was fulfi lled. We used georadar equipped by 200 MHz and 300 MHz antennas, and also fi rst in Russia multiantennas georadar complex MARK-300/8. The system of single and multiple kilns was revealed in the district of Galanka Lake, where in previous excavation the objects of pottery making were found out. One multichamber kiln was explored by geophysical methods with the best possible quality to reconstruct its system virtually, and then it was excavated. The regular urban site layout was revealed in the district of CXCIV excavation, presumably some households. One object may be interpreted as a vault with some graves nearby. The results of complex geophysical exploration of the site must be verifi ed by archaeological methods.


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Васильева И.Н. О технологии производства неполивной керамики Болгарского городища // Город Болгар: Очерки ремесленной деятельности / Отв. ред. Г.А. Федоров–Давыдов. М.: Наука, 1988. С. 103– 150.

Волков И.В., Лопан О.В., Ситдиков А.Г. Раскоп CXCIV // Археологические исследования 2013 г.: Болгар и Свияжск / Авторы-сост. Ситдиков А.Г., Валиев Р.Р., Старков А.С. Казань: ЗАО «Издательский дом «Казанская недвижимость», 2014. С. 20–21.



How to Cite

Bezdudny, V. G., Volkov, I. V., Marchuk, V. N., & Sitdikov, A. G. (2018). COMPLEX GEOPHYSICAL EXPLORATION OF BOLGARY SITE IN 2014–2017. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (5), 101–107. Retrieved from



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