
  • Iskander I. Gainullin Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences. Butlerov St., 30, Kazan, 420012, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation
  • Bulat M. Usmanov Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University. Kremlyovskaya St., 18, Kazan, 420000, the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation
  • Petr V. Khomyakov Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University. Kremlyovskaya St., 18, Kazan, 420000, the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation


archaeology, cultural heritage, anthropogenic factor, exogenous processes, remote sensing, geoinformation systems, fortified settlements, Middle Ages


The scientifi c task of creating a system for assessment of cultural heritage object (monument of archaeology) territory state using both archaeological and geoecological research methods is being solved. A new method for assessing the risks of destruction of archeological monuments within the territory of the Bolgar fortifi ed settlement with the use of remote sensing methods, complex field studies and cartographic-geoinformation approaches to data processing is being developed. Modern instrumental methods were used to collect information on dangerous exogenous processes and anthropogenic impact within the monument territory. An analysis of the change in the functional use of the Bolgar settlement territory with the use of a multi-time aerial survey, was carried out. The results of the conducted studies are series of both inventory and evaluation maps, as well as recommendations for minimizing the impact on the archaeological heritage object under study. The obtained results will used to create a methodology for assessing the risks of destruction of archeological monuments.


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How to Cite

Gainullin, I. I., Usmanov, B. M., & Khomyakov, P. V. (2018). ASSESSMENT OF NATURAL AND ANTHROPOGENIC RISKS BASED ON A COMPLEX STUDY OF THE CITY OF BOLGAR AND THE DISTRICT. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (5), 166–172. Retrieved from



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