
  • Vera N. Bakhmatova Institute of Archaeology named after A. Kh. Khalikov, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences. Butlerov Str., 30, Kazan, 420012, the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation
  • Nail G. Nabiullin Institute of Archaeology named after A. Kh. Khalikov, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences. Butlerov Str., 30, Kazan, 420012, the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation



archaeology, the Republic of Tatarstan, Chistopol, Juketau, Zhukotin, Volga Bolgaria, 10th–14th centuries


Security and rescue archaeological studies were performed by the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan in Chistopol District of the Republic of Tatarstan at Juketau fortifi ed settlement partially accommodating the Chistopol elevator. The site is part of a complex of archaeological remains of a medieval Bolgar-Tatar city of Juketau (referred to “Zhukotin” in Old Russian chronicles) of the 10th–14th centuries. The stratigraphy of cultural strata of the excavation features two distinguished layers – I (modern, 19th–21st centuries) and III (pre-Mongol, 10th − fi rst third of the 13th centuries) in terms of the general stratigraphic scale of the site; layer II of the Golden Horde (second third of the 13th–14th centuries) has not been traced in the studied area. Of particular interest among the discovered objects are structures of the household type, a line of pole pits located along the cliff directed towards the Kama coast. The material items are represented by clay ware, mainly “common Bolgar”, “Juketau”, "Kama-Ural” pottery, and a small number of household items.


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How to Cite

Bakhmatova, V. N., & Nabiullin, N. G. (2021). NEW STUDY MATERIALS ON JUKETAU FORTIFIED SETTLEMENT. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (3), 43–54.



Research and Publication