
  • Gamirzan M. Davletshin Institute for Language, Literature and History named after G. Ibragimov, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Karm Marx Str., 12, Kazan, 420111, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation




history, wisdom, reason, kagan, knowledge, owl, Turk


The society of the ancient Turks with a nomadic way of life always required courage, ingenuity, and heroism. The glory of man was determined by how many enemies he had killed. But still, in the ancient Turkic runic inscriptions, the mind is in the fi rst place, and the power is in the second. Tengre gives the kagans reason, and only after that he lets them rule over the Turkic people. This paper, based on a set of sources, addresses the ideas of the Turkic-Tatar ancestors of the Tatar people about wisdom in its various manifestations. These ideas, which formed in ancient times, having preserved their essence, reached later times and played an important role in the traditional culture of the Tatars. The materials of the paper can be useful for a deeper understanding and comprehension of the life and spiritual world of the Turkic-Tatars.


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How to Cite

Davletshin, G. M. (2021). WISDOM IN THE PERCEPTION OF THE TÜRCO-TATARS (OBSERVATIONS). Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (3), 114–123. https://doi.org/10.24852/2587-6112.2021.3.114.123



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