
  • Georgi V. Vladimirov Ministry of Culture of Republic Bulgaria. bul. "Al.Stambliiski", 17, Sofi a, 1040, Bulgaria



archaeology, anthropology, late nomads, Bolgar lands, the Pechenegs, the Torks, the Cumans, the Alans, the Tatars, Byzantium, Second Bolgar Kingdom


The paper describes the dynamics of the ethnic and cultural situation in Bolgar lands in 12th–4th century with an emphasis on the late nomads' role in the processes. Known archaeological traces of newly arrived ethnic groups which settled in these lands in the reviewed chronological period are summarized in the paper. Attention is drawn to certain scarcely known anthropological data which additionally shed light on these migration waves. A conclusion was rightfully drawn on the necessity of complex approach in the study of the late Bolgar Middle Ages through attraction and interpretation of the maximum amount of scientifi c evidence of historical, archaeological and anthropological origin.


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How to Cite

Vladimirov, G. V. (2021). NOTES ON THE ETHNIC APPEARANCE OF MEDIEVAL DANUBE BULGARIA (12TH-14TH CENTURIES) ACCORDING TO ARCHEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL DATA. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (3), 231–239.



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