
  • Meltem Akıncı Akdeniz University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of History. Dumlupınar Boulevard 07058 Campus, Antalya, Turkey



archaeology, folklore, the Turks, fish, fishery, city, the Scythians, the Khazars, the Volga Bolgars, the Kimeks


This paper addresses the meaning of the word fi sh not only in the modern Turkish, but also in ancient historical texts. Besides, it describes the role of fi shing in the life of the Turkic tribes, as well as the image of fish in art. In this respect, the word fi sh, which corresponds in its meaning to ‘city’ and ‘animal’, is explained in the light of written sources.Written sources contain scarce information which Turkic tribes practiced fi shing, as their economy was mainly based on cattle breeding. This is probably associated with the fact that livestock was predominant for economic reasons. However, certain written sources mention several Turkic tribes engaged in fishing. In this respect, Turkic tribes with a fi shing economy are identifi ed on the basis of Arab and Persian geographical sources. In addition to the specifi c meanings of the word ‘fi sh’ not related to fi shing, the semantic meaning attributed to this image in the Turkic verbal tradition and art is briefl y interpreted using folklore and archaeological materials. Study of the changes which fi sh has undergone in the historical process is important in terms of identifying the changing philological, religious and social factors in Turkish society, both internal and external.


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How to Cite

Akıncı, M. (2021). FISH AND FISHERY IN ANCIENT TURKS (in turkish). Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (3), 285–297.



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