
  • Anna B. Agarkova Surgut Museum of Local Lore. 30 let Pobedy Str., 21/2, Surgut, 628403, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area – Yugra, Russian Federation


Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, north of Western Siberia, Surgut Ob region, archaeological collections, scientific and fund activities, state portion of the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation, municipal museums, heritage preservation, accounting of archaeological collections


The history of establishment of Yugra archaeological collections is closely related to the history of studying of the region. The onset of this process dates back to the 18th−19th centuries and is associated with the activities of academic researchers from the north of Western Siberia. A signifi cant breakthrough in the fi eld of fund acquisition at the end of the 19th century is related to the activities of regional societies conducting regional studies. A more systematic approach to the archaeological study of the region has been recorded since the 1960s, but the compilation of museum funds has remained disorganized. The primary characteristic of the
archaeological funds of Yugra museums is the fragmentation of collections. Until the early 21st century, only two museums of the region were staff ed with full-time specialists in archaeology. Over the past 40 years of active compilation of archaeological collections in Yugra, an issue has arisen, which is related to discrepancies in documentation. In the last decade, museums found themselves been in a situation of ongoing changes in the legislative framework, which has imposed new requirements for the archaeological item accounting system. This has resulted in an urgent need to change the system of documentary support of transferred collections. The article features the basic principles of acceptance and accounting of archaeological collections based on
the experience of the Surgut Museum of Local Lore.


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How to Cite

Agarkova, A. B. (2019). ARCHAEOLOGICAL COLLECTIONS OF UGRA MUSEUMS: HISTORY OF COMPILATION AND ISSUES OF MODERN ACCOUNTING. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (5), 30–40. Retrieved from



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