
  • Yuliya A. Solod Novosibirsk State University. Russian Federation , Novosibirsk
  • Roman V. Davydov Novosibirsk State University, Institute for the Humanities, REC New Archaeology, Laboratory of paleotechnologies


archaeology, Southern Siberia, Middle Ages, Yenisei Kyrgyz population, cremation, oxidation, toreutics, silver inlays, conservation, restoration


The article considers the factors infl uencing the safety of Kyrgyz toreutics articles with silver inlays. The study objects were partially restored articles from the burial mound of the Yenisei Kyrgyz population - Shigray burial dated the 11th-12th centuries AD. In the article fi xed the specifi city of the funeral rites and the method of office processing of the things extracted from the burials, including restoration and conservation works. The authors identify the changes in the surface of objects with the main conclusions supported by a series of graphic examples. Specifi c objects were used in order to determine the signifi cance of the selection of the restoration and conservation methods for the subsequent toreutics study areas - semiotic, functional, and technological.


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How to Cite

Solod, Y. A., & Davydov, R. V. (2019). TOREUTICS WITH INLAYS FROM THE BURIALS OF YENISEI KYRGYZ POPULATION: PRESERVATION FACTORS IN VIEW OF THE FURTHER RESEARCH. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (5), 187–195. Retrieved from



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