
  • Evgeny I. Narozhnyi Leading Specialist of NJSC “Heritage of Kuban”, Krasnoarmeiskaya Str. 16, Krasnodar, 350063, Russian Federation



I. L. Izmailov's anniversary, V. Sventoslavsky about the battle of Legnica, , Ya.V. Pilipchuk and the complex of weapons of the medieval Ingush, whether there were


The paper features three short essays. The fi rst essay is dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of Doctor of Historical Sciences I. L. Izmailov. The second essay contains a critical review of the version proposed by Polish researcher V. Sventoslavsky concerning the actual use of "combat poison gases" by the Tatar-Mongols in the Battle of Legnica (1241). Based on the information provided by Polish historian of the 15th century Jan Dlugosz, the version has no substantial grounds. The third essay contains an overview of the not always positive experience of characterization by Ukrainian researcher, Doctor of Historical Sciences Ya.V Pilipchuk (Kiev)
of a complex of weapons of the ancestors of the medieval Ingush. A simple list of the known categories of weapons of the Ingush ancestors does not ensure a clear understanding of the process and dynamics of their military development, simplifying the understanding of the complexity of its formation. Ya. V. Pilipchuk, avoiding the demonstration of the historiographical heritage of his predecessors, is also subject to unjustifi ed inaccuracies. For instance, they include claims about the use of "guns and cannons" by Emir Timur in Georgia. All this makes the publications considered by the researcher to be the works of questionable scientifi c quality.


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How to Cite

Narozhnyi, E. I. (2020). THE HISTORY OF THE STUDY OF MEDIEVAL WEAPONS OF THE 13TH-14TH CC. (ANNIVERSARY AND POLEMICAL ESSAYS). Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (6), 301–315.



Research and Publication