
  • Natalia V. Zhilina Institute of Archaeology of Russian Academy of Sciences. Dmitriya Ulyanova Str., 19, Moscow, 117036, Russian Federation


attire, adornments, reconstruction, traditions, stages, interaction


Despite the complexity of the structure and changes in the population of the future Volga Bolgaria, general continuity can be outlined in the development of the attire of adornments.
The traditions of Saltovo (Bolgar) and the Kama-Urals (Finno-Ugric or Ugric) attires in the second half of 8th –fi rst half of 9th centuries can be distinguished in diff erent territories. The former lighter attire has the combined features of metal and jewelry ones, and the latter has retained the features of an abundant metal decoration. However, there is a tendency to use the adornments of one tradition in the attire of the other.
In the second half of 9th - fi rst quarter of 10th centuries the interactions of the attires resulted in their twinning. The variations are combined adornments of the Saltovo and Kama-Ural traditions. A transition is observed to more rational forms of attires, its easement and the gradual rejection of bulky jewelry connection systems and less frequent use of noisy parts.
Oval-cylindrical bead pendants and oval-cylindrical bead pendants played an important role in the formation
of filigree bead adornments of Volga Bulgaria of the 12th -13th centuries.
The general development pattern picture of the attire of adornments is in line with the concept according to which the population of the Middle Volga region was becoming more consolidated and produced similar forms of material culture.


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How to Cite

Zhilina, N. V. (2019). RECONSTRUCTIONS OF THE ATTIRE OF ADORNMENTS OF THE EARLY HISTORICAL PERIOD OF VOLGA BULGARIA. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (6), 223–239. Retrieved from



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