
  • Mark G. Kramarovsky State Hermitage Museum, Dvortsovaya Naberezhnaya Str. 34 Saint Petersburg, 190000, Russian Federation
  • Emil I. Seydaliev Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University, Uchebny pereulok Str. 6, Simferopol, 295015, Russian Federation; Institute of Archaeology of the Crimea RAS, Yaltinskaya St., 2, Simferopol, 297800, the Republic of Crimea, Russian Federation; Institute of History named after Sh. Mardzani of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences. Baturina Str., 7a, Kazan, 420111, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation



archaeology, Ulus of Jochi, Golden Horde, Crimea, Solkhat, Old Crimea, fortification


In 2009-2012, the Old Crimean archaeological expedition of the State Hermitage, together with the expedition of the Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University, carried out a study at the site of the fortifi cations of medieval Solkhat. Based on the analysis of written, cartographic and archaeological sources, it has been established that the formation of the defensive belt took place in two stages. First, in the 1360s, a defensive moat and rampart were erected around the city. Subsequently, in the 1380s, fortress walls were built. The remains of three fortress towers and sections of the defensive wall were excavated during the period of archaeological studies. The towers and fortress wall were dismantled in modern and recent history by the local population
for building materials and have only preserved fragmentarily at the level of the lower rows of masonry and in the form of wall foundation trenches. Near tower № 2, the opening of the fortress wall, and, probably, a secret gate protected by the tower were discovered. The published materials expand the current understanding of the fortifi cation of the Golden Horde center of Crimea.


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How to Cite

Kramarovsky, M. G., & Seydaliev, E. I. (2020). DEFENSIVE STRUCTURES OF MEDIEVAL SOLKHAT (HISTORICAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL COMMENTARY). Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (6), 316–336.



Research and Publication