
  • Maksim Yu. Menshikov Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dmitry Ulyanov St., 19, Moscow, 117036, Russian Federation
  • Aleksei A. Voloshinov Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dmitry Ulyanov St., 19, Moscow, 117036, Russian Federation



archaeology, Crimea, Muslim necropolis, Horde, funerary rite, pagandom


Kyrk-Azizler burial ground is located on the northern outskirts of the city of Bakhchisaray. This necropolis is well known from written sources and the studies of the early twentieth century. Throughout the whole period of studying the Crimean antiquities, the necropolis was considered an exclusively Muslim elite cemetery of the 14th-19th centuries. However, during rescue archaeological work at the necropolis in 2018, carried out under the leadership of the authors of the article, it became clear that the site is more complex, and the idea of it being an exclusively Islamic burial ground is not true. A previously unknown settlement, similar to early Muslim burials, was discovered in the territory of the archaeological site along with medieval burials with a funeral rite which does not correspond to the Islamic tradition. The work is dedicated to non-Muslim graves discovered in the territory of a Muslim cemetery.



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How to Cite

Menshikov , M. Y. ., & Voloshinov , A. A. (2021). NON-ISLAMIC BURIALS IN THE TERRITORY OF KYRK-AZIZLER MUSLIM BURIAL GROUND. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (4), 197–212.



Research and Publication