
  • Natalia P. Turova Institute of Archaeology of Crimea of Russian Academy of Sciences. Academician Vernadsky Ave., 2, Simferopol, 295007, Crimea, Russian Federation
  • Anastasiya D. Yakimovskaya The Satet Museum-Preserve "Tauric Chersonese". Drevnyaya str. 1., Sevastopol, 299045, Crimea, Russian Federation



Christian archaeology, Ottoman period, anthropology, slab grave, Yalta, Massandra urban settlement, migration of Christians, priest’s burial


The paper addresses the issues related to Christian antiquities of the Ottoman period (1475−1783) from the Southern Coast of Crimea and features the results of the latest archaeological and anthropological studies by the “Institute of Crimean Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences” expedition in 2020, an 18th century slab grave in Massandra urban settlement of the Yalta urban district in the Republic of Crimea. The grave is part of the necropolis of a temple complex of the late Byzantine–Ottoman period. An open burial complex indicates the stable funeral rite traditions of the Christian population of Crimea, which originated in the medieval period and existed until the migration of Christians from Crimea to the Azov region in 1778.



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How to Cite

Turova, . N. P., & Yakimovskaya , A. D. . (2021). CHRISTIAN ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE OTTOMAN PERIOD ON THE SOUTHERN COAST OF CRIMEA (BASED ON THE LATEST STUDY MATERIALS). Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (4), 240–257.



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